We now have two new Sikorsky’s on display at Fantasy of Flight!
The first is a Sikorsky S-39. It had been on loan for a period of time but is now part of the collection! It made its debut to the public at the Sun ‘n Fun Splash-In that was hosted at Fantasy of Flight this past March.

Coming in over the trees!
Recovered from the Alaskan bush and rebuilt by Dick Jackson over 40 years and 40,000 man hours, it is the only example of its kind flying in the world. To my knowledge there are only three or four known to exist.

It’s great on the water!
Dick brought the aircraft down several years ago for the Splash-In and left it on display for about six months. I couldn’t help but want to see it on permanent display and after the event we cut a long-term deal to purchase it. The aircraft is now part of the collection and is a joy to fly as well as operate on the water.

In its element!
It is truly a work of art and must be seen up close to be appreciated.
The next cool Sikorsky to arrive is an S-55 Helicopter!

A Grand Old Lady!
It was used in New York Airways as part of the first ever helicopter airline service in the early 1950’s and flew passengers between New York and the three surrounding airports – La Guardia, Newark and Idlewild (now JKF).
It’s powered by a Pratt & Whitney R-1340 engine that is similar to what is used in the WWII N.A. AT-6 Texan Trainer. It won’t fly anytime soon but I’ve been offered parts to help in the restoration from a local business that does turbine conversions. This one though . . . will stay as it is!
I’m hoping the S-55 will be seen by the public when we open our “Golden Hill” Storage Facility tour at Fantasy of Flight in a few months.
Come on out and check them both out!